Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the cost of a Ford Taurus Heater core in NY state?

Ford Taurus heater has been having probs in the winter. It gets below zero and it blows warm air, then cold air. Does it pay to just replace the heater core? If the heater core is replaced will the heat work better, or should I not bother? What is the cost of a Ford Heater Core for NY state? How many hours does it take to replace the heater core?|||Always look at cheapest / easiest first when repairing! heater core- basically a small radiator inside your care, behind dash, behind componets, should work, (or it leaks or it is plugged.) Since you have heat sometimes, tells me it works. Like others have said, check antifreeze level in radiator, thermostat (which opens to allow for hot coolant to circulate into radiator.) When was last coolant flush? If 3+ years, have that done with thermostat replacement. $100 or so. Can save your car's aluminum head. Also, maybe your car's radiator fan is coming on, sucking ultra cold air into your radiator, therefore cooling the hot coolant used to heat your car? Some people put a small piece of cardboard on front of radiator in ME. to help radiator keep heat.|||Dosent sound like a heater core. That will work or it wont. More likely something in the temperature control. Anyway - heater cores can be purchased from ebay. It is a simple enough job that takes an hours but a mechanic might tell you "the book says" and then perhaps 2 or 3 hours of labor.|||If it goes hot and then cold, my money is on the thermostat. Change that first, it's a LOT less expensive. Also check the coolant level (in the radiator, not in the overflow tank) as it could be low.

A heater core will cost you about $125 - $150 plus about 2 hours labor for installation but my money is on the thermostat or the coolant level based on what you say.

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